Teenager Facts !
1. We hate school.
2. We hate homework.
3. We hate homework on the weekwnds.
4. We hate teacher who always give us a billion of homework.
5. We hate drama.
6. We love eat so much but don't wanna getting fat.
7. We dream a lot but doing nothing to prove it.
8. We like to judging people but when we heard our name on someone conversation, we just like " Excuse me ! "
9. When we falling in love with someone extremely attractive " 2% talk to them. " " 98% stare at them. "
10. We like sleep but don't wanting to go to bed early.
Have another facts about teenager ? Just comment below ! MASSIVE THANKS FOR YOU ALL ! ! !
Best Friendship Post !
I love you,
I am not your lover (:
I hug you,
I am not your life patner (:
I care for you,
I am not from your family (:
I am ready to share your pain,
I am not in your blood relation (:
We are " FRIENDS "
Cares like a Mom !
Scolds like a Dad !
Irritates like a Sister !
Teases like a Brother !
Loves you more than a Lover !
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker )
forum.twilightlexicon.com ( Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
Don't Cheating on Your Partner !
* Girl saw her boyfriend with another girl holding hands *
* Girl messages him *
Girl: " Where are you ? "
Boy: " I'm at my home ! "
Girl: " Ohh.. Ok. Well, I see your twin same like you with someone else ! Hahaha.. and he is behind me ! "
Boy: ( looked at her and feel ashamed, boy messages her ) " He's me.. I'm so sorry I swear I would never do that again ! Your trust make me proud, I deserve it and have to be yours only ! "
Girl: " That's Ok.. But I'm too stupid to love you again but not too idiot enough to trust you again ! "
Boy: " Well, I will win it again ! "
* Boy left the other girl and back to his real girlfriend *
♥ A relationship is all
dependent on the trust.
If someone trusts you blindly
never ever prove they're truly blind.
So, don't cheat ! You'll know the pain
of this all if someday you got cheated. ♥
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker )
www.jerkmagazine.net ( Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
Sweet Love
Put your hand in mine now and forever..
Here I stand, stand next to you (:
Deep inside I always knew..
My heart is belong to you (:
You and me two hearts drawn together..
Bound by destiny (:
Every road leads to your door..
Every step I take forever more (:
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker, Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
Meaningful Thing (:
It's easy to say " I love you "
It's more meaningful to " thank " someone for loving you.
It's easy to say " I'm sorry "
It's more meaningful to " Forgive " someone for hurting you.
It's easy to to say " can you help me? "
It's more meaningful to say " can I help you? "
It's more meaningful to " thank " someone for loving you.
It's easy to say " I'm sorry "
It's more meaningful to " Forgive " someone for hurting you.
It's easy to to say " can you help me? "
It's more meaningful to say " can I help you? "
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Article Maker, Blog Owner )
Respect Your Parents !
Hey guys ! Please respect your parents ! Because they always giving all you NEED and all you WANT.
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They give you all their love. |
They are your first teacher who teach you. |
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They are never give up on you. |
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They are willing sacrifises anything for your happyness. |
They pay your clothes. |
They serve your breakfast every singel morning. |
They pay your internet. |
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They pay your iPhone. |
They pay your laptop. |
They pay your school. |
They bring you up to your graduation.
And so many things of our parents have done to us (:
Massive Thanks to:
♥ My Lovely Parents ♥
www.komar.org ( Source Image )
attitudeivlife.blogspot.com ( Source Image )
www.haemophilia.ie ( Source Image )
obrolanpagihari.blogspot.com ( Source Image )
iiamarsela.blogspot.com ( Source Image )
www.knowhow.com ( Source Image )
handphoneterbaru2013.blogspot.com ( Source Image )
sampit.olx.co.id ( Source Image )
columbiauniversityinpictures.com ( Source Image )
www.dothegreenthing.com ( Source Image )
www.samvitinfra.com ( Source Image )
titozheng.wordpress.com ( Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Article Maker, Editor, Blog Owner )
First Love
There was a girl who was playing in the park. When she saw a picture in the bush she kept the photo then forgot about it until she was married. ♥ ♥ ♥
Her husband asked to his wife.
Husband: " Who is that little boy in yor wallet ? "
She answered.
Wife: " He is my first love. " ♥ ♥ ♥
Then her husband smiled and said.
Husband: " Well, I lost this picture when I was nine years old. " ♥ ♥ ♥
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker, Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
True Love is...
♥ Love isn't having 500 pictures of him/her on your phone.
♥ Love isn't when you text him/her all day and all night.
♥ Love isn't when he/she buys you an expensive gift.
♥ Love isn't when you talk with him/her 24 hours a week.
♥ Love isn't when u ditch your friends for him/her.
♥ Love ♥ is when you do anything to be with him/her even for a short while.
♥ Love ♥ is when you just want him/her to be happy.
♥ Love ♥ is when you think about him/her all time.
♥ Love ♥ is when you can't help feeling just a little bit jeaslous when he/she is talking to other guys/girls.
♥ Love ♥ is when you remember the songs that make you and he/she dancing when you hear it.
♥ Love ♥ is when you can go to him/her even at your worst.
♥ Love ♥ is when everything reminds you of him/her.
♥ Love ♥ is when you get butterflies only by hearing his/her name.
♥ True Love ♥ is when he/she breaks your heart and you still love her/him with all the little pieces. ♥ ♥ ♥
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker, Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
Poor Guy and Rich Girl
Once upon a time a poor guy loved a rich girl. One day the boy proposed her.
Guy: " I love you. Will you marry me ? "
Girl: " Listen ! Your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses. Should I be involved with you ? How could you thought that ? I will never love you. So, forget me and get engaged with someone else of your level ! "
The guy left the girl. But somehow the boy couldn't forget her so easily.
( 10 years later )
One day they became face to face in a shopping center.
Girl: " Hey ! You ! How are you ? Now I'm married. Do you know how much is my husband's salary? $ 500.000 per month. Can you imagine ? And he is also very smart. "
The guy's eyes got wet with tears by hearing those words. After few minutes her husband came. Before the girl could say something to the guy, her husband started to say by seeing the guy.
Girl's Husband: " Sir ! You here ? Meet my wife. "
Then he said to her wife.
Girl's Husband: " I'm going to assist a project of this sir, which is of $ 200.000.000. And do you know a fact ? This sir loved a girl but he didn't get her. That's why he is still unmarried. How much lucky the girl was. Isn't she ? Now a days who can love a girl like that way ? "
Then the girl was silent without making any slightest word.
The End...
Life is not so SHORT. So, don't be so proud of yourself and any others...
Situations CHANGE with TIME. Everyone should RESPECT other's LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker )
ciricara.com ( Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
Conversation Between a Guy and a Girl After Broke Up for Years
Girl: " I miss you. "
Guy: " And so ? "
Girl: " I really did. "
Boy: " Ok. "
Girl: " I’m sorry. "
Guy: " What for ? "
Girl: " For ignoring your efforts to communicate with me. "
Guy: " It's ok. I got used to it, then I got tired, so I stopped trying and started forgetting. "
Girl: " I.. I.. tried to forget about you, you see ? "
Guy: ( silent )
Girl: " Cause it tore me apart that we can never be. "
Guy: " It's ok. "
Girl: " Why is it so ok ? "
Guy: " I got used to days hoping you’d be back, but you never did. I started facing reality, and started to get move on. "
Girl: " Wait.. am I too late ? "
Guy: " Too late for what? "
Girl: " To court you ? "
Guy: " You know, I’ve always wanted to hear that from you. Back then, years ago. But.. I got used to only wishing for it.. then realized it would never happen, so I stopped hoping. "
Girl: " I’m really sorry, but don't worry, this time, I'll make your wishes come true. "
Guy: " That's not possible.. I have got someone in my life.. "
Girl: " Its great for you.. Who is she ? When I'll meet her ? "
Guy: " She doesn't wanna meet you any day. "
Girl : " But why ? What I have done to her ? "
Guy: (slowly replied) " She just don't wanna meet the one who did hurt me the most.. It's my turn to say sorry. Time got into me. You’ve broken my heart already. I can't risk experiencing that again. Thank you anyway for communicating with me after years of silence. "
She kept her head down and went silently. After she left the guy out. The guy took a wallet from his pocket and look to the picture of her which he still kept in his wallet. Some tears rolled down when he whispered...
" She's still you... "
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker )
www.norwegiandating.net ( Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )
Love is the Reason to Live
There was a boy named Josh and a girl named Sarah, they were best friends for years and years. They could talk for hours on the phone and text each other for days. When they were together, not a single sad thought could cross their minds, everything was great, but... One day Josh didn't answer any call or reply to any text from Sarah for a day, Sarah was worried that something was Wrong...): at night Sarah couldn’t Sleep, she just sitting in her room and crying, and then she realized how much he Mean to her... The next morning she woke up from a phone call... It was Josh :)
Josh : " Hey ! "
Sarah : " Hey ! I'm so glad that you called me. what happened to you yesterday ? "
Josh : " I was Busy. "
( Sarah understood that something was wrong but she couldn't ask. )
( silence )
Josh : " You know... We should stop talking ! "
Sarah: " What ? But Why ? "
Josh: " I'm so sorry... Bye ! "
( Josh disconnected the call, Sarah Felt as If somebody had Slammed the door on her face. )
Everything else flashed in her mind. Tears, cars running by her, roof of some building, and sunset... She couldn’t understand anything... She started feeling lonely, dejected, and broken..:’( That was the answers of everything. His words were pouncing on her self. Her heart wanted to jump out. He was the reason why she Screamed at the top of her voice. Then she made up her mind to make a last try to get him back.
( Sarah called Him Up ) ( tut... tut... tut... ) ( Josh answer it )
Sarah: ( took a deep breath ) " Umm... Hey ! "
Josh: " Why are you calling me ? "
Sarah: " I need to tell you Something... "
Josh: " Forget it ! I don't wanna talk to you anymore ! "
Sarah: " No. Please ! I just Want You to know one thing before we stop talking ! "
Josh: " Tell me ! "
Sarah: " Are you all right ? "
Josh: " You're so sick. You called me just for say it. " ( Josh hung up )
Sarah was broke off. She tried but he probably doesn't really care about her. She thought she wasn't his friend in the first place. Tears were slowly running. She left house with a note.
( 5 hours later )
Phone rang in Josh's room. It was Sarah's Mom.
Sarah's Mom: " Sarah was lying in the hospital, she just got hit by a car. "
Josh was shocked and rushed to the hospital where She was. She opened her eyes with mentioned Josh's name.
He took her hand...
Josh: " I'm so sorry it's all my fault ! But I promise when you get better I’ll make it up to You. "
Sarah: " I will never get better. "
Josh: " No! No don’t say that ! "
Sarah: " Just tell me one thing ! Why did you do it ? "
Josh want to told her that he had a heart problem but he didn't want her to know and be worried. and there was a risk that he could have died. So, he didn't told it to her and he just said the feeling that he had for her.
Josh: " I did that because I… I... I Love you ! "
Saah: " I Love tou too ! "
And after that her heart stopped beating. She died... )': Josh died 10 minutes later because of heart attack... :'(
He couldn't live with the thought that she died because of him...
The End...
If you love Someone then don’t hold back your feelings…
Because LOVE is the reason to LIVE !
Love is Beautiful ♥ ♥ ♥
Massive Thanks to:
Silent Tears Always Speak | Facebook ( Article Maker )
www.SodaHead.com (Source Image )
Dhaniel Ros ( Editor, Blog Owner )